11) Will informs Strand that there were 128 people at the Franklin Hotel. Was that before or after Teddy’s people arrived? If that was after, does that mean that only Senator Vasquez and his staff were there before? If it was before, did any other politicians make it there or just him? Furthermore, was Vasquez a state senator or a U.S. senator? I ask because, if he were a U.S. senator, why wasn’t he in Washington or somewhere close by? Deanna was from Ohio but was relocated to Alexandria. It doesn’t make sense that a senator would be flown back to Texas from D.C. as things started to break down when they just as easily could have transported him to a safe zone in rural Maryland or West Virginia.
12) Strand using the lighthouse beacon to signal to Alicia, even if it’s to warn her away, mirror’s Madison using the Rosarito Beach Hotel’s sign to signal to Nick (Though, for the opposite reason) back in season two’s “Pillar Of Salt.”
13) Will is the first named character to die this season; he’s also the first we’ve seen turn this season.
14) Strand using the walkers (Drawn to his new home via the lighthouse beacon) as a barricade is the second time we’ve seen this tactic used in Fear The Walking Dead, following La Colonia in season two. We saw a similar tactic used by Negan at the Sanctuary.
15) This episode gets its name from the lighthouse beacon Strand uses to draw walkers to his base as an additional line of defense.
And that ends our installment of Things To Note for this week! Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Let me know! Suppose you like this and want to read more of my writings, specifically about surviving a zombie apocalypse. Why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! And you can get it from Amazon here and on iTunes here!