Fear The Walking Dead, Cindy Hawkins: Things To Note

Brittany Bradford as Cindy Hawkins- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Lauren "Lo" Smith/AMC
Brittany Bradford as Cindy Hawkins- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Lauren "Lo" Smith/AMC
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Keith Carradine as John Dorie Sr.- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 3 – Photo Credit: Lauren “Lo” Smith/A.M.C.
Keith Carradine as John Dorie Sr.- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 3 – Photo Credit: Lauren “Lo” Smith/A.M.C.

Fear the Walking Dead season 7 episode 3

John Dorie Sr. discovers that there’s more out in the wasteland than radiation and walkers in this week’s Fear The Walking Dead: Things To Note!


It’s Sunday! That means it’s time for an all-new episode of Fear The Walking Dead, and with it, another installment of Things To Note!

Last week’s episode of Fear reintroduced us to John Dorie Sr. and June Dorie, as they spend the immediate aftermath of the nuclear explosion cooped up in Teddy Maddox’s fallout shelter and come to discover that there’s more to it than just a place to ride out the worst of the proverbial storm, including some old ghosts that John Sr. literally hasn’t buried.

There were some other things to note that weren’t shoved right out in front of your face. Somethings that, if you weren’t looking for them, you might have completely overlooked them. Like the inevitable deterioration of Teddy’s bunker, and what his ultimate plan for Dakota might have been. These are just some of the little hints, clues, references, and trivia dispersed throughout the episode that I searched for and collected so that, when you watch it again, you don’t need to go looking for them.

Are you ready? I think it’s about time for this week’s installment of Fear The Walking Dead: Things To Note!