The Walking Dead: World Beyond series finale
As World Beyond comes to a close, Jadis shows her true colors, and we learn that the future of The Walking Dead universe may lie in its past.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond ended the way you’d want a Walking Dead spinoff show to end: Concluding its story, tying itself back to the original series in a fun way, and building towards stories to be told further down the line. Short of the last reveal of Rick being in a cell across from Lieutenant Colonel Kublek at the end of the episode, I don’t think you could come up with a better ending.
Especially after the previous episode not giving me very much to work with, I found this series finale to be a breath of fresh air, one which has provided me with a great collection of ties between itself and both of its sister series.
Firstly, we have Huck’s husband, Dennis, who revealed to us that, with only a few hundred thousand people alive in the U.S., it is a small world, providing us a rare connection with Fear The Walking Dead.
Next, we have the most obvious connection with the rest of the Walking Dead universe, Jadis, whose ties to her past in Virginia never seem far from her mind.
And, finally, the series closed with a trip to, of all places, France. We met an unnamed doctor watching video calls of none other than Dr. Edwin Jenner, the last survivor of the CDC. He reveals that things on the other side of the Atlantic could, perhaps, be even worse than what we’ve seen thus far in North America. This leaves us with questions that we can only hope to get answered in a successor series.