During the after-credit scene in The Walking Dead World Beyond, we saw how France’s efforts to tackle the undead backfire; I wonder: Will the CRM’s efforts have the same result?
Judging by everything we saw of the CRM’s scientific research facility in The Walking Dead: World Beyond, the CRM is attempting to find a cure for reanimation, if not for the zombie virus. Thus far, however, they have been unsuccessful, unable to get a test subject to last longer than eight hours without reanimating.
We were introduced to a woman who was part of the French government’s effort to combat the zombie virus in the bonus scene. If you recall back the first season finale of The Walking Dead, Dr. Edwin Jenner, the last man standing at the CDC, said that the French were closest to a breakthrough with the virus before they went dark. As this post-credit sequence continued, we watched as the French doctor was confronted by a young man who, if I interpreted him correctly, blamed her and her colleagues for somehow making the situation in France even worse.
I wonder if that has anything to do with the “variant cohorts” Dr. Jenner spoke of in his video calls. This is something which appeared in France, but not in North America.
The Walking Dead Theory: The CRM’s attempts at a cure will create SUPER WALKERS.

At the end of the post-credit sequence to the series finale of World Beyond, we watched as the young man murdered the woman watching Dr. Jenner’s video call. In fact, by all appearances, he looked to shoot her in the back of the head (You can see her head immediately slump onto her desk after the kill shot). A few moments later, she gets back up and rampages against the secure doors of the research facility she was holed up in, her walker transformation complete.
Why is this significant? When France’s CDC attempted to create a vaccine for the zombie virus, it backfired, creating a new variant of the virus whose carriers would continue to linger on even after parts of the brain are destroyed, making them even more difficult to kill.

This brings me back to the CRM. I don’t necessarily blame them for attempting to find a way to put a stop to the zombie virus, or at least ensure that the dead don’t reanimate, but I think they’re going to open Pandora’s Box in the process.
If their experiments wind up going the same way things seem to have gone in France, the CRM will unwittingly create a new breed of walkers. Ones who won’t simply be tougher to kill but will make every person they bite tougher to kill in the process. It might be one thing if they do this, realize what they’ve done, and smash this prototype super walker’s head in with a sledgehammer. But, if they don’t, they could wind up creating legions of walkers that nothing short of crushing or pulverizing will destroy.
Of course, with Jadis slithering her way up the ranks of the Civic Republic Military, if they did make super walkers, how long do you think it would be before she decided to use them to destroy people she deemed a threat to “the last light”?
Not long enough, I’m afraid.
But, what do you think? Do you think that France’s attempt to cure the zombie virus created super walkers? Do you think the CRM’s quest to cure the virus will have the same result? And, if it did, do you think that Jadis will try to use super walkers as a weapon? I’m curious to hear! And, if you enjoyed this and want to learn how to stay alive in a zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also get it at Amazon here, on iTunes here!