Maggie (Greene) Rhee, portrayed by actress Lauren Cohan, returned to The Walking Dead at the end of season 10. She saved the day when she and a masked man, who we would learn is named Elijah, arrived to lend a hand against the Whisperers.
When she returned, she gave some insight into where she had been. She met up with Georgie, and they helped several communities that failed. Her most recent community, Meridian, had been overrun by a group called the Reapers. They killed many of the residents, but Maggie and some others were able to escape.
Little did they know they were being tracked by one of the Reapers, who would eventually take out most of Maggie’s survivors.
The Walking Dead – Maggie
As season 11 opened, Maggie had a plan to head back to Meridian to gather much-needed food and supplies that were stored there. Alexandria was in desperate need of food as their numbers had grown significantly with the additional residents from Hilltop.
Throughout the first part of season 11, Maggie was ever at odds with Negan. She was not happy to learn that Carol was the one to let Negan out of his cell. In her absence, she hadn’t witnessed all of the things Negan has done to try and redeem himself.
She had good reason to detest this man but realized she needed his help to navigate their way to Meridian. Along the journey, she and her Warden’s treat him terribly, and she is then shocked when he isn’t willing to save her life.
As the episodes progressed, she and Negan came to a truce for the greater good. Will this truce carry on into the season, or will one of them end up killing the other? The trailer for season 11B shows tensions are still high between them.
Viewers will see what happens with the Reapers battle that was left on a major cliffhanger.
Hopefully, Maggie can find some peace as she has allowed Negan to live rent-free in her head for too long. Will Negan continue on his path of redemption, or will Maggie push him too far?
The Walking Dead returns to AMC on February 20.
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