The Walking Dead – Reapers
1) This week’s “Previously on The Walking Dead,” voiced by Norman Reedus, focused on Maggie’s team’s raid on Meridian. We also saw Daryl explain to Leah why Maggie’s team is there, Leah killing Pope and blaming Daryl, Carver telling Leah he should have killed him when he had a chance, and Leah activating the hwacha.
2) Fisher (The Reaper Maggie puts into the path of a hwacha rocket) is the fourteenth named character to die this season, and the tenth Reaper to die.
3) Austin, the Reaper Daryl kills in the classroom, is the fifteenth named character to die this season, and the eleventh Reaper to die.
4) The classroom Daryl kills Austin in is odd: The chalk and paper chains inside seem too fresh to have been there from the outbreak, suggesting that they were new. This implies that Maggie and the Wardens were using the classroom for children in Meridian, yet, the only kid we see them bring to Alexandria is Hershel. This means either they wasted an entire room to teach Hershel (which is unlikely), or there were other children in Meridian. The Reapers saw to it that none of them made it to Alexandria, which doesn’t make the Reapers look good, to say the least.
5) Mancea is the sixteenth named character to die this season, and twelfth Reaper to die.