On February 28, 2016, AMC aired the eleventh episode of season six of The Walking Dead titled “Knots Untie.” This episode was written by Matt Negrete & Channing Powell and directed by Michael Satrazemis.
This episode began where “The Next World” left off with Jesus sitting on the stairs of Rick and Michonne’s house. Carl holds a gun to Jesus’ head and asks what he is doing. Then Rick, Michonne, and many others come on the scene with guns drawn as Rick tells them it’s OK that Jesus is only here to talk.
He tells them of his settlement, that we will learn Hilltop, and that he thinks they can help one another.
The Walking Dead season 6
Rick agrees to travel to Jesus’ community with several others, and along the way, they spot a car wreck that appears to have just happened. They discover some of the Hilltop residents, and they save them and take them back to Hilltop.
Gregory is introduced in this episode, and what an impression he makes. He is rude to Maggie, calling her anything but her real name to make her feel inadequate, but she holds her own. When Ethan stabs Gregory, all hell breaks loose, and Rick goes to town on Ethan, eventually stabbing him in the neck. With blood all over him, Rick looks around and says, “What?” as the Hilltop residents watched in shock at what just occurred. This scene is adapted directly from the comics.
When Gregory is patched up, he talks to Maggie again, this time with a bit more respect, as he sees what an asset her group can be for them. Hilltop isn’t made up of fighters, and Maggie and her crew have proven to be fighters.
This is also the episode that we got Abraham’s one-liner, “When you were pouring the Bisquick, did you mean to make pancakes?” Referring to Glenn and Maggie having a baby. This spawned a movement where fans would bring actor Michael Cudlitz Bisquick to the cons he attended, which he would then donate to a local food bank.
During this episode, Abraham starts to question his feelings for Rosita. He has spent much time with Sasha on patrol, and he has watched Maggie and Glenn and their devotion to one another. During the fight at Hilltop, he remained on the ground looking around as if he came to the realization of something, and tells Daryl that he is “better than alright.”
A bit of trivia about this episode: this is Christian Serratos’s 25th episode as Rosita, and the title comes from Jesus’ comment when he explains how he escaped the make-shift holding cell at Alexandria.
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