The Walking Dead series is based on the same-titled comic book created by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard. No one could have predicted the success of the series, which is the most successful comic-to-series adaptation ever.
The comic story abruptly ended with a 72-page issue #193 in 2019. This news was a total shock to comic and series fans alike, assuming the comic would continue giving the series source material for years to come.
The ending was kept secret with fake covers and advertising for issues #194 and #195. Kirkman penned a goodbye letter at the end of the final issue and has stated that the whole comic is full of surprise deaths, the end of the comic story is the most significant surprise death of them all.
Is The Walking Dead Compendium the same as the comics?
The Walking Dead Compendiums are a great way to own all of the comics in the series with four giant books. These are easily read as huge graphic novels and feature the same story as the individual issues.
The Walking Dead: Compendium One – issues #1 through #48
The Walking Dead: Compendium Two – issues #49 through #96
The Walking Dead: Compendium Three – issues #97 through #144
The Walking Dead: Compendium Four – issues #145 through #193
The website Comic Book Herald has laid out the complete reading order for the comics and the novels. You don’t need to read the novels to understand the comic story; this just adds to the experience.
The original pitch for the comics was a follow-up to horror legend George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. But, it was suggested to develop an original concept that spawned the modern story we know and love today.
The Walking Dead series will be coming to an end in 2022 with the eleventh season. The franchise currently has five spin-offs, the first of which is Fear the Walking Dead, a series that will return to AMC on April 17 with the second half of season 7. During the summer of 2022, the third spin-off, Tales of the Walking Dead, will premiere, and Isle of the Dead featuring Maggie and Negan and the unnamed Daryl and Carol spin-off set for 2023 release dates.
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