The Walking Dead season 11 episode 15 release date

Jason Butler Harner as Carlson, Ross Marquand as Aaron - The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Jason Butler Harner as Carlson, Ross Marquand as Aaron - The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

The Walking Dead is quickly closing in on the end of season 11B. It has been an action-packed set of episodes that will lead into the final eight of the series. The perfect veneer of the Commonwealth is slowly being chipped away as the truth is exposed.

Last week’s episode “Warlords” opened our eyes to more of Lance Hornsby’s underhanded schemes. The episode begins with Lydia leaving Hilltop for one of the Commonwealth’s outposts when an injured man arrives on horseback. He gives them a map and tells them a slaughter is taking place as he dies. Maggie doesn’t feel they can help, but Lydia and Elijah want to do what they can.

They head out and find a group of Commonwealth trooper walkers whose throats have been slit. On the road ahead, they encounter Aaron.

We learn in a flashback that Aaron and Gabriel were sent on a mission for the Commonwealth to make introductions to a new community. They are led by a newcomer Toby Carlson who seems like a friendly, charismatic guy. They head to the apartment complex known as Riverbend and are admitted entrance and introduced to their leader Ian.

Things seem to go well until Carlson shoots everyone in the room. In another flashback, we learn that Hornsby has a side scheme to his side scheme, and it failed. He enlisted Carlson, a former CIA agent, to take care of Riverbend, a religious group he believed stole guns from the CW. Carlson initially stated he was happy to be retired from that line of work but he seemed to transition back into it very smoothly.

Things go south for Carlson when Negan and his new friend Annie arrive and save the day, at least for some. We learn that Negan lives at Riverside with Annie, Ian and others. Negan is the one who sent Jesse, the injured man on the horse, to Hilltop knowing Maggie would help.

Carlson kills many Riverbend residents as Gabriel, Annie, Negan, and the other regroup to figure out their next move.

At the end of the episode, we see that Maggie, Lydia, and Elijah have arrived at Riverbend with Aaron.

AMC will air season 11 episode 14, “The Rotton Core,” on Sunday, March 27 at 9 p.m. ET.

The Walking Dead Trust

The next episode, “Trust,” is currently available on AMC+. This episode will air on AMC on Sunday, April 3, at 9 p.m. ET.

This episode was written by  Kevin Deiboldt and directed by Lily Mariye. Deiboldt wrote three episodes for season 10 and the season 11 horror episode “On the Inside,” which found Connie and Virgil inside an actual haunted house. This episode will be Mariye’s Walking Dead directorial debut, but she directed two episodes of the World Beyond spinoff series.

This is the episode where we will see the six-month time jump teased at the end of season 11 B’s first episode, “No Other Way.” We saw Daryl in CW amour, several CW troopers, and Lance Hornsby at the gates of Hilltop. The synopsis of this episode also tells us that Rosita will be investigating the Miltons.

Things are getting very interesting, and we will most likely see a cliffhanger with season 11 B’s finale episode “Acts of God” when it airs on AMC on April 10.

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