Fear the Walking Dead has received a lot of hate for the episodes in season 7B. Viewers expected a major battle between Alicia and Strand for the Tower, and Fear TWD hasn’t delivered. But, last week’s episode, “Divine Providence,” served a bigger purpose in the overall scheme of the series. There are only four surviving characters from the first season of the series, including Madison, who will make her return soon. Only three are currently in the series, Alicia, Strand and Daniel. This episode honored the three characters presently starring in the series.
The episode certainly had many areas that could have been improved, including Wes’s dramatic, unrealistic transformation into a villain and love me, love me, not back and forth between Alicia and Strand. But, for this article, let’s focus on the goodness of concentrating on the three characters whose stories viewers have followed since the beginning of the outbreak.
Alicia, Strand and Daniel have been through it, either together or individually, and it is good to shine some light on what they have been through.
Fear the Walking Dead Divine Providence

The bond formed between Alicia, Strand and Daniel is a strong one. Despite all they have been through and any disagreements they have had or will have, they share a survival story that keeps that bond.
Alicia and Strand have had significant differences of opinions throughout their time together and haven’t always been on the same side. But, at the end of it all, they have become family, which covers a multitude of sins, and forgiveness is easier to be given.
Strand confesses that while he tried to drive Alicia away from the Tower, he was building it for her to prove to her who he really is. He did the harsh, evil things she would never do to make someplace safe. There were moments of vulnerability in Strand that he revealed in Alicia’s presence, something he wouldn’t allow anyone else to see.

Poor Daniel’s confusion saw him ready to shoot Strand, as Strand was another person who had lied to him regarding his daughter Ofelia, who had long been dead. Daniel finally came to terms with this fact and decided to be there for Charlie when her end comes, something he could not do for his daughter.
While there were many lows in the episode, spotlighting these three icons of Fear the Walking Dead was a wonderful way to honor the characters and the actors who portray them.
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