AMC aired the season 7 finale of Fear the Walking Dead on June 5. This series began as a spinoff of The Walking Dead series that will be airing its final eight episodes this fall. Fear TWD has a much different setting and tone compared to the flagship and, in recent seasons, has taken severe criticisms from its fans. But is this the end for Fear TWD?
The final episode of season 7 of Fear TWD saw the return of a fan-favorite character who was thought dead since season 4. Madison Clark, played by Kim Dickens, has been a staple of the series since the pilot episode aired in 2015. Madison is like the Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) of this series and fans have longed for her return. Instead of surprising viewers as was done in early seasons of The Walking Dead, her return was announced quite some time ago on an episode of Talking Dead.
The fans who have long shouted she wasn’t dead since a body or a walker version of Madison was never seen were delighted to learn she would finally be making her way back into the story. There were rumors that she would return as a villain. And it was partly true, but it seems that the creators weren’t brave enough to make her a full-on villain but instead have her working for the mysterious PADRE by stealing people’s children.
Fear the Walking Dead new season
Fear the Walking Dead has been renewed for an eighth season. This season will see a change in filming locations from Austin, Texas, to Savannah, Georgia. This change has been accounted for in the recent storyline as everyone has taken to rafts in search of a safer place to live since Texas is a nuclear wasteland.
Long-time character Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) departed the series in the penultimate episode of the seventh season and wasn’t reunited with her mother. This was another element fans criticized the series for as they waited for this since the announcement of Madison’s return.
The upcoming episodes will drastically change as the survivors look for a new location to live. A bit of light was shed on PADRE, a location that has been sought after the entire seventh season. Showrunners have stated the next season will reveal more about this group. With the loss of several characters in the previous season, the location won’t be the only change; viewers will most likely see new characters in the upcoming season.
The season finale gave a bit of hope for better things to come for Fear the Walking Dead.
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