AMC’s The Walking Dead series aired its first episode on Halloween night, 2010. During the past 12 years, there have been numerous actors in this series, many of which have been killed. This isn’t a surprise by any means, seeing that this is a zombie apocalypse series. It is never easy to lose someone vital to the story.
Fans aren’t happy when a favorite is killed, but that is how it goes in a ZA. That and many actors want to move on to other projects; after all, filming a series for months on end makes it difficult to commit to other projects.
Throughout this series of the many actors who have graced our screens, many have gone on to be involved in other outstanding projects. Jon Bernthal (Shane), Michael Rooker (Merle), Sonequa Martin-Green (Sasha), Steven Yeun (Glenn), Danai Guria (Michonne), Corey Hawkins (Heath), Tom Payne (Jesus) are just some of the actors who have left the series and have done some amazing things since that time.
The Walking Dead season 11 part 3 cast
During the series’ final season, there have been many additions to the cast, some of which have already met their demise. Check out the deaths from season 11 so far.
The Walking Dead: All named character deaths from season 11 part 1
The Walking Dead: All named character deaths from season 11, part 2
When you see them in a list, you realize the death toll has been massive this season. There haven’t been any main character losses for quite some time. If you consider years in the series, the most notable deaths have been Alden (Callan McAuliffe) and Marco (Gustavo Gomez).
The Walking Dead season 11 part 3 cast – as of the midseason finale
Main cast (bold will survive due to spin-offs)
Norman Reedus – Daryl Dixon
Lauren Cohan – Maggie Rhee
Jeffrey Dean Morgan – Negan Smith
Melissa McBride – Carol Peletier*
Seth Gilliam – Gabriel Stokes
Ross Marquand – Aaron
Josh McDermitt – Eugene Porter
Christian Serratos – Rosita Espinosa
Khary Payton – Ezekiel Sutton
Cooper Andrews – Jerry
Supporting Cast
Cailey Fleming – Judith Grimes
Antony Azor – R.J. Grimes
Kien Michael Spiller – Hershel Rhee
Eleanor Matsuura – Yumiko Okumura
Nadia Hilker – Magna
Lauren Ridloff – Connie
Paola Lázaro – Juanita Sanchez
Michael James Shaw -Michael Mercer
Angel Theory – Kelly
Cassady McClincy – Lydia
Okea Eme-Akwari – Elijah
Ian Anthony Dale – Tomichi Okumura
Teo Rapp-Olsson – Sebastian Milton (died episode 1118)
Kerry Cahill – Dianne
Nadine Marissa – Nabila
Medina Senghore – Annie Smith
Chelle Ramos – Shira
Michael Tourek – Roman Calhoun (died episode 1119)
Avianna Mynhier – Rachel Ward
Characters MIA (just a few)
Dan Fogler – Luke
Kenric Green – Scott
Kevin Carroll – Virgil
Cameron Roberts – Tyler Davis
Alex Sgambati – Jules
We know that Daryl, Negan, Maggie, and Carol will survive.* Even though Carol won’t be in the Daryl and Carol spin-off from the get, Reedus has stated that Daryl and Carol will meet again, ensuring her survival.
But the other fates are up in the air. It would be hard to imagine a series ending without some significant deaths. And as it would be nice to see them all ride off into the sunset, living happy lives, this is an apocalypse, and it wouldn’t do the series justice if this is the case.
The Walking Dead returns to AMC on Sundays at 9 p.m. with episodes from the final segment of the eleventh and final season.
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