The Walking Dead: World Beyond is the second spinoff series of The Walking Dead. This series is a coming-of-age apocalypse journey that sees a group of teens who grew up after the outbreak. Created as a limited series consisting of two seasons, fans were split on their opinions of this story.
Season 1 began on October 4, 2020, and is a bit of a slow burn as it develops the characters. The season would conclude on November 29.
The story, set 10 years after the outbreak, is located at Campus Colony in Nebraska. This was a nod to The Walking Dead season 2 episode titled “Nebraska,” which mentioned how this state is ideal for surviving a zombie apocalypse due to its low population and the vast number of firearms.
Campus Colony is located near Omaha, which is part of the Alliance of the Three with Portland and the Civic Republic. Campus Colony, made up of about 10,000 residents, is considered a satellite of Omaha with a population of 100,000.
The main group of teens, Iris (Aliyah Royale), Hope (Alexa Mansour), Elton (Nicolas Cantu), and Silas (Hal Cumpston) lived their lives well protected from the undead, and when they set out into the world, they quickly discover they aren’t prepared.
In the season 1 finale, the group discovers a traitor in their midst. Huck (Annet Mahendru) reveals she is working for the CRM (Civic Republic Military). Hope is an asset the CRM wants apprehended, as she is a very intelligent girl who can aid in rebuilding the world. Huck sets up false messages from Hope and Iris’ father to lure them away from the protection of the Campus Colony.
By the end of the season, Elizabeth Kublek (Julia Ormond) arrives at the rendezvous point via helicopter, where she takes Huck away.
The Walking Dead World Beyond season 2
The second season is by far the best, with much more action and a look into what the Civic Republic Military (CRM) is really all about. This is the first deep dive into the military branch of the Civic Republic, where Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh) took Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln).
In this season, it is discovered that Jadis/Anne, now known as Warrant Officer Jadis Stokes, used Rick as her ticket for admission into the CR. She has climbed the ranks in this organization, which seems to be a perfect fit for her.
By the end of the season, the characters who knew little of the apocalypse at the beginning learned valuable skills and helped reveal the true nature of the CRM.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond post-credits scene
At the end of the series finale, a post-credit scene was shown that provided what would come to be a segue to The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon series. This scene revealed information about the outbreak in France and featured a familiar face from season one. Read more about this scene here.
You can watch it below.
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