The penultimate episode of The Walking Dead recently aired, and although no major characters died, two were gravely injured. The death toll in season 11 has been high, but no significant characters have been killed save Alden (Callan McAuliffe) and Marco (Gustavo Gomez). They had been on the series for years but never had major storylines. Many fans thought there would be some major deaths as this was the end of the series.
This article contains spoilers for The Walking Dead season 11, episode 23, “Family.”
It has been long rumored that Judith (Cailey Fleming) would be killed in the final season. Leaked behind-the-scenes photos of Daryl (Norman Reedus) carrying a tiny person, assumed to be Judith, circulated earlier this year. But would AMC kill a child? If this was seasons 1-3, yes, but in season 11? It’s doubtful.
This episode did see Judith wounded by a gunshot from Pamela Milton (Laila Robins), governor of the Commonwealth. Our survivors have already been gunning for Milton, this injury to Judith will only heighten the mission to kill her.
The episode ends with Daryl carrying Judith to safety, and she looks at Daryl, saying, “Daddy?” as she falls back unconscious. Fans will have to wait until the final episode to see Judith’s fate.
The Walking Dead season 11 episode 23
Another significant injury was that of Lydia (Cassady McClincy). She was bitten on the arm as she tried to save Elijah (Okea Eme-Akwari). Aaron (Ross Marquand) and Jerry (Cooper Andrews) act quickly and cut off her arm, hoping to avoid spreading the virus to the rest of her body.
Lydia is one person who can’t catch a break. She has had a miserable life and seems to lose many who are close to her. She has guarded her feelings for Elijah, afraid to lose him as she did Henry (Matt Lintz).
After learning more about her childhood with her mother, Alpha (Samantha Morton), in Tales of the Walking Dead, Lydia serves a happy ending. Only time will tell her fate as well.
The Walking Dead series finale airs on AMC and AMC+ on November 20, 2022.
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