On March 10, 2013, AMC premiered episode 313 of The Walking Dead, “Arrow on the Doorpost.” This episode featured a tense meeting between Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and the Governor (David Morrissey) that was organized by Andrea (Laurie Holden). She wanted to make peace between the two groups, but neither Rick nor the Governor wanted to give up what they had.

The episode begins with Rick’s group arriving at the meeting point and scoping out the location. Little did they know that the Governor and his men had already arrived and set things up. When Rick enters the building, the Governor tells Rick, “we have a lot to talk about,” and Rick gives him one of his famous stare-downs as the theme song begins.
As always, the Governor tries to make himself out to be the good guy and acts as if he is playing nice by hanging his weapon out of the way, but viewers see he has another taped under the table. The whole point of the meeting is to try to find a way to live peacefully with one another. Rick presents a solution, but the Governor only wants Rick’s surrender, which he will never give.
The Walking Dead – Rick Grimes and the Governor

Eventually, the Governor reveals what he wants in order to leave Rick and the prison alone; he wants Michonne. She killed his reanimated daughter Penny and took his eye; he wants revenge. He gives Rick two days to decide and tells him he will meet him again at noon.
Rick returns to the prison, lies to them, and tells them they must prepare to fight because the Governor wants the prison. He confides in Hershel (Scott Wilson), telling him about the deal to give him Michonne. They both agree she’s earned her place, but Rick asks Hershel if he would sacrifice his daughters’ lives for Michonne’s. The episode ends with Herhel asking why Rick tells him about this. Rick responds, “Because I’m hoping you can talk me out of it.”
Ten years later, knowing what we know now about Rick and Michonne (Danai Gurira), this episode is very interesting to watch.
It is always a lot of fun to see the “making of” videos of these iconic scenes. The location used in this scene is a highlight on most Walking Dead tours in the Senoia, Georgia, area, where the series was filmed. The exact location is the ESCO Feed Mill, located in Haralson, Georgia.
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