The Walking Dead series began in 2010, and the first seasons are the most loved due to the story focusing on a smaller cast and Rick’s (Andrew Lincoln) journey to find his family. Once he is reunited, the story proceeds to follow him as he protects his family and the original Atlanta group who come to rely on him. The new spinoff, according to EP Greg Nicotero in an interview with Polygon, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon will return to the singular storyline that made the early seasons so great.
As the series progressed, more characters were introduced, and viewers often commented that this is where the series lost the greatest of the early seasons. While it was exciting to meet new characters, the storylines grew thin, and it would often be several episodes until a character was seen again and their story would resume.
Nicotero has been involved with The Walking Dead since its infancy when Frank Darabont was the showrunner. He was brought on for his SFX mastery and would direct several episodes during the eleven-year run. Now, he is heavily involved with the Daryl Dixon series as an executive producer, director, and, of course, SFX. He and his team are responsible for creating a new variant walker called burners.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Greg Nicotero
Nicotero is excited to be a part of the continuation of Daryl’s story and believes the key to success is to go back to “the DNA of what made the original first few seasons of The Walking Dead so good.” He was referring to the singular stories which established purpose for the characters.
"“I think Daryl feels like there’s more for him to do. Daryl knows that there are other people in the world out there that need him,” Nicotero said. “Daryl really does have a big heart, and would do anything for people, even though he may start for the wrong reasons. He can’t help himself.”"
It is exciting to think that the Daryl Dixon series will not only feature more of Daryl’s story but open the TWDU to a brand new world. Many viewers have been curious about what has happened in different parts of the world, and this series will give that view.
The new series will premiere on AMC and AMC+ on September 10 at 9 p.m. ET. The first ten minutes of episode 1 are currently available on AMC+.
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