Daryl Dixon is a character that wasn’t featured in the comic story created by Robert Kirkman. Years ago, when actor Norman Reedus was asked to audition for the new Walking Dead series, he did such an impressive job that Daryl Dixon was created for him. Reedus has portrayed Daryl since 2010, and the character has gotten his own spinoff series.

It would be hard to imagine the main series without Daryl, and when The Walking Dead announced that the eleventh season would be the last, fans were concerned about the fate of their favorite characters. Luckily, Daryl fans knew he would go on to a new series, which became The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.
This new series is set and filmed in France, making for something quite unique within The Walking Dead Universe.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon series

When the announcement was made that Daryl’s story would be continued in France, many fans, myself included, thought this idea preposterous. But once the story began, it was evident that this fresh take on the apocalypse was exactly what TWDU needed.
In the first season, the series follows Daryl upon his arrival in the new land. He quickly gets his bearings, locates supplies, and begins his journey home. He then encounters new people, many of whom need help, and with this caring heart, Daryl puts his own goals on hold to lend a hand to those in need.
One group, The Union of Hope, believes a young boy is the one who will bring the revival of humanity. Daryl, never quite sure this is factual, does become fond of him. By the end of the season, Daryl must choose to board a boat that can help him home or stay and assist the boy with his future endeavors.

The new characters have fascinating backstories, the storyline keeps one’s attention, and the cinematography and score are brilliant. This series tells Daryl’s journey to France via flashbacks, and while still in the United States, he contacts Carol (Melissa McBride). He tells her he will return in a week, and she tries to convey something distressing to him, but the connection is lost.
This story will carry over into the series’ second season. When Daryl doesn’t return to the Commonwealth in the promised week, Carol begins her search for him. The second season will feature Carol and is titled The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – The Book of Carol. In a clip at the end of season 1 of Daryl Dixon, Carol is actively searching for Daryl in Maine, his last known location.
Will Carol and Daryl be reunited? Or will this season show two stories, one of Carol searching for Daryl and another of Daryl’s continued journey in France?
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – The Book of Carol will premiere on AMC and AMC+ in 2024.
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