The Walking Dead: Dead City debuted its first six-part season in June 2023. Set in post-apocalyptic Manhattan, the series greatly expanded the universe by introducing new characters and new locations and continuing the stories of Maggie and Negan, portrayed by Lauren Cohan and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
Dead City's season finale aired on July 23 and did a remarkable job of setting up a second season. Maggie was reunited with her son Hershel, who was abducted by one of Negan's former Saviors, The Croat. Maggie betrayed Negan, using him to trade for her son's release. This put Negan in the presence of the true head of things in Manhattan, The Dama. She wants Negan to join her in her plan to take over Manhattan. It will be exciting to see if he returns to his old ways.
Marshal Perlie Armstrong of the New Babylon Federation returns to his community to find that The Prefect is interested in the methane produced by The Croat. This will put him in a difficult position when she and the other leaders discover his deception. He told them he killed Negan on their orders, but in reality, he set him free.
Young Ginny was returned to The Bricks, Maggie's new community, after learning that Negan, who had been caring for her, was responsible for killing her father. Her story will also continue in the upcoming season.
Reports have been circulating that Dead City will begin filming its second season soon in Massachusetts.
The Walking Dead: Dead City season 2 cast
The following characters will likely return due to their stories being set up in season 1.
- Lauren Cohan - Maggie Rhee
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Negan Smith
- Gaius Charles - Perlie Armstrong
- Željko Ivanek - The Croat
- Mahina Napoleon - Ginny
- Logan Kim as Hershel Rhee
- Lisa Emery as The Dama
- Jasmin Walker as The Prefect
- Pallavi Sastry - Nina
The Walking Dead: Dead City is an exciting new chapter in TWDU that focuses on long-time enemies Maggie and Negan and can be streamed on AMC+.
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