Watch Walking Dead's Chandler Riggs as Spider-Man in trailer for new fan film

Chandler Riggs, who portrayed Carl Grimes in The Walking Dead from seasons 1 - 8 will now portray Peter Parker in a new fan-made story.
The Walking Dead Live: The Finale Event - Arrivals
The Walking Dead Live: The Finale Event - Arrivals | Timothy Norris/GettyImages

Walking Dead actor Chandler Riggs plays Spider-Man in a new trailer for a non-profit fan-made film. Riggs is well known for his portrayal of Rick Grimes' (Andrew Lincoln) son, Carl, in The Walking Dead, a role he was cast in at a young age. He would play this role until Carl's shocking death in season 8. This was an event that saw many viewers leave the series as they believed Carl would continue his story as he did in the comic and live a long life.

The film is titled The Spider, and the trailer (below) was posted by director Andy Chen. It is based on The Amazing Spider-Man comics by Marvel, but the production has no association or endorsement by Marvel, Sony, or Disney. Chen wrote and directed the film, which will be available online soon and was produced by Artin John & Kealani Kitaura. The trailer description reads: A new horror take on Spider-man.

Chen posted some outstanding BTS images of filming on social media and an amazing TikTok of Riggs in action.

The Spider cast

  • Peter Parker - Chandler Riggs
  • Uncle Ben - Carl Addicott
  • Aunt May - Holgie Forrester
  • Gwen Stacey - Caylee Cowan
  • Mary Jane - Kyra Gardner
  • Mugger - Matthew Vorce
  • Mugger - Ben Thomas
  • Paramedic - David Rice
  • Paramedic - Kealani Kitaura
  • Teacher - Ronan Arthur
  • J Jonah Jameson - Andrew Hernon

Riggs will also star in a new movie recently filmed in Tampa Bay, Florida, titled, Hacked: A Double Entendre of Rage Fueled Karma.

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