The Walking Dead: Michonne Gets Reunited With Her Sword (GIF)

Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead Season 8 - Photo Credit: Alan Clark, AMC, and Entertainment Weekly
Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead Season 8 - Photo Credit: Alan Clark, AMC, and Entertainment Weekly

The Walking Dead gave us an episode on Sunday where it took a lot of things away from fans, but one major item ended up being returned to Michonne. 

On this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, fans lost a major character that we had all started warming up to in a big way. Bob went from a guy we didn’t totally trust in Season 4 to someone we were invested in this season.

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Naturally, the show took him away from us when he was killed off at the end of episode three. It was a heartfelt goodbye for Bob, as he said his peace with everyone, including Rick. But the most touching moment was when he had a heart-to-heart with Sasha before dying right in front of her. It was a moment that left fans breathless as it was a sucker punch to the sentimentality in us all.

To make up for this, the show answered the sad moment with an awesome moment. In the closing moments of the episode, the ever deadly Michonne got reunited with her katana sword.

It’s symbolic in more than one way. On the surface, it’s a cool event that gives one of the deadliest characters on the show her mojo back, in effect. But underneath that, the morality of the show is again challenging viewers by presenting moments in front of them that have deeper meaning than what’s on the surface.

While Michonne getting her sword back is awesome, it was a way for the series to answer a human moment with a violent moment and audiences reacted the way they are wired to. The entire series is about the humanity in a zombie apocalypse and the challenges good people have to remain good in bad situations. Going from a sentimental moment with Bob to getting hyped up over Michonne getting her killing device back pretty much sums up the moral challenges the show presents each week.