The Walking Dead: Carol Finds The Prison Massacre Aftermath (GIF)

The Walking Dead featured a Carol and Daryl episode tonight, which meant that we got to see where Carol went right after she was banished by Rick. 

When Carol was banished by Rick in the middle of last season for burning bodies and taking things into her own hands, we didn’t see much of her after that. It wasn’t until later on in the second half of the season that we saw more of Carol and where she was but we didn’t know where she immediately went when she was banished.

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That was all discovered tonight though, as Carol’s journey from being banished to where we picked up on her story later on in season four was reveled. After her talk with Rick, Carol apparently drove off and had a moment of rare weakness that we’re not used to seeing from her.

She followed this up by encountering one of the many moments that have hardened her over the years as she drove up to the prison to find it in ruins. This, of course, was following the massacre with The Governor that claimed the life of Hershel and so many others.

Seeing Carol at moments of weakness is a rare thing, but these are moments that have carved her into the stone leader she is today. She’s still vulnerable though, which reminds us that there’s a human element to her character which is why we care for her so much.

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