The Walking Dead Is Second Most Pirated Show Of 2014


The Walking Dead is one of the most popular shows on television and it’s near the top of the list for most pirated shows on 2014. 

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While The Walking Dead is on a winter break, fans of the show are taking the time to get caught up on the series to make sure when the series returns they’re up to date with what’s happening. Not everyone is using legal means to catch up with the show though, as The Walking Dead fans are notorious for pirating the show, something that stood out in 2014.

According to, the most pirated show from the 2014 television season wasn’t The walking Dead, but the MAC series came in second place, clocking in at over 4 million downloads and over 17 million television viewers.

Most downloaded TV-shows on BitTorrent, 2014
rankshowest. downloadsest. US TV viewers
1Game of Thrones8,100,0007,160,000
2The Walking Dead4,800,00017,290,000
3The Big Bang Theory3,900,00018,240,000
4How I Met Your Mother3,500,00013,130,000
7Grey’s Anatomy2,800,0009,810,000
10South Park2,400,0002,400,000

What’s interesting about this list is that South Park is still in the top 10 for most pirated shows, which shows that a series that is on forever and is in as capable of hands as that show is, people will still eat it up. That’s something The Walking Dead hopes to do in the future, as Scott Gimple has noted he hoes the series lasts over 20 season — which is a wildly tall order.

People love The Walking Dead and will do just about anything to get their fix. Illegally downloading the show isn’t best way to watch the show but it shows just how rabid fans are for their fix and how far they will go to make sure they don’t miss a second of the show.

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