The Walking Dead: Fan artist Lucia Franciosa


The Walking Dead has inspired artists to use their talents to create tributes to their favorite show and its characters. I’ve highlighted


so far for our website. Lucia contacted me on Twitter to let me know about


, a great digital artist, whom I highlighted soon after.

Then one day I saw a great picture of Rick on Twitter and I noticed the profile picture and name. I thought, isn’t that the person who told me about another artist? And she’s an artist! How humble! So I contacted her, and here we are.


Lucia is from Italy. She is 34 years old and a former set and costume designer who decided about 5 years ago to focus on illustration. While she loves to use traditional media such as Acrylic, pencils, inks or watercolours, and still uses it from time to time, she has started working more with digital painting as it allows her to work more quickly and takes up less space in her apartment. She continues to use her sketchbooks.

Lucia’s answer about her love for drawing Walking Dead things was very interesting:

"I like to try to “catch” the attitude of the characters. After I spent years focusing my work on designing static structures and clothing I’ve discovered my passion for the expressivity of the human body and how complex a character could be. Okay, let’s face it: I love to draw pretty stuff, HA!"

If you look at Lucia’s work, attitude and movement is exactly what you see in the characters!

She follows and likes many of the artists we’ve reviewed already on Undead Walking as well as many more that I must check out!

Follow Lucia on Twitter to see more of her great work! Her art name is The MeeDes!


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