The Walking Dead: Mysterious Biter-grams from Woodbury

The Governor. S4. The Walking Dead. AMC.
The Governor. S4. The Walking Dead. AMC.

Earlier today I let you know about a mysterious package that Robert Kirkman of The Walking Dead received on his doorstep. Well, the story has become even more mysterious!

He opened the package, which appears to be from Woodbury and contains some mysterious items. But Robert isn’t the only one to receive such a bitergram from Woodbury.

Superfan and beautiful and funny actor Yvette Nicole Brown, actor and writer Ronny Haze, the comic book company of The Walking Dead,  Skybound,  and TV and film company owner Wendy Shepherd all received bloody brown paper wrapped packages with no return address including pictures and odd items such as locks of hair. They are on Twitter trying to solve this real life Woodbury/ Walking Dead mystery as you are reading and as I write.

I’ll keep checking to see if the Woodbury bitergram mystery gets solved or gets bigger or remains a mystery!   Follow a real live Walker mystery in action on Twitter right now!  Latest update. 5pm central time. 8/13/15:  There are letters on the back of some of the photos and there seem to be more players in the game.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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