Fear the Walking Dead: Loved/hated character poll results

Travis Manawa. Fear the Walking Dead. AMC.
Travis Manawa. Fear the Walking Dead. AMC.
Nick - fear-the-walking-dead
Nick. Fear the Walking Dead. AMC

Fear the Walking Dead has just started and it’s almost finale time. We’ve just met the characters, but we’ve already made some judgements about them. We love some, we hate some. Well, even if we don’t hate them, some are really annoying and on our nerves, that’s for sure. Some we can tell might have potential to make a turn around and grow on us even though we hate them now. And one might have the potential to go the other way and turn evil. Do we need to get an eyepatch ready for someone?

I ran a poll this week to find out how our readers were feeling about the Fear the Walking Dead characters and the results are in. They are not too surprising at this point.

For favorite character, readers could choose 3. The top 3 ended up Nick with 45%, Daniel with 36%,  and Tobias with 31%. Madison was a close 4th place with 24%.

Travis stole the show as most hated with 53%. The 2 kids, Alicia and Chris, tied with 32% behind him.

At least Travis and Alicia topped the list to be able to turn into likeable characters later on.

And running away with the possibility to turn evil was Daniel Salazar! Don’t mess with Daniel! He’s good with more than just combs!

You can see the exact poll results here.

How does the poll compare to your feelings? It will be interesting to see how things play out during the last 3 episodes. And for the finale, we get a Talking Dead!

Check out the Season 1 Guide to Fear the Walking Dead!

Next: Season 5:All Named Character Deaths

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