The Walking Dead comic issue 153 preview panels

Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead, Skybound/Image Comics
Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead, Skybound/Image Comics /

Preview panels were released for Image Comics and Skybound’s The Walking Dead issue #153, titled “Heavy Hangs The Head”, which releases on April 6, 2016.

While everyone is talking about the big season 6 season finale for The Walking Dead‘s show on AMC, Skybound and Image Comic’s series have been putting together an explosive situation that could make any upcoming issue an amazing and catastrophic adventure.

With Brandon letting Negan out of his cell and letting him escape from Alexandria, the odd situation with Eugene on the radio and impending war coming up against Alpha and The Whisperers, the next issue of the comic book series should help tell this story. Titled “Heavy Is The Head”, issue 153 of the graphic novels will be released on April 6, 2016 and features Rick Grimes on the cover kneeling in a pile of blood.

Thankfully, to help fans prepare for the events of “Heavy Is The Head”, Skybound and Image Comics has released some preview panels to help get some hype for the new issue. Here are the images:

zombies - The Walking Dead, Skybound and Image Comics
zombies – The Walking Dead, Skybound and Image Comics /

The first panel is pretty straight forward. It shows a lot of zombies coming through the woods. However, if looking between the gaps of the walkers, you can see a person with a gun sneaking through the chaos. It’s hard to confirm who this individual is, but odds are that they are on a mission.

Marco - The Walking Dead, Skybound and Image Comics
Marco – The Walking Dead, Skybound and Image Comics /

Next, Marco looks like he’s in pain. Without any information, it’s hard to figure out why he’s hurt or what it could mean, but hopefully it isn’t a walker taking a chomp out of his arm or leg. Fingers crossed.

The gates of Alexandria - The Walking Dead, Skybound and Image Comics
The gates of Alexandria – The Walking Dead, Skybound and Image Comics /

Finally, Paula is getting grilled at the gates of Alexandria following the keys to Negan’s cell getting swiped. It looks like the people of Alexandria are going to try to get down to the bottom of the situation that allowed Negan to escape.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

Don’t miss The Walking Dead issue 153 when it is released on April 6, 2016. “Heavy Hangs The Head” could be another great installment in the series to help set up what is sure to be several explosive situations in the future of the Image Comics and Skybound series!

*UPDATED  4/5/16 for a correction. The middle panel was Marco, not Jesus as I stated. Thanks to Vinnie Vincent’s Dead Dog and @aPinkMassacre on Twitter for pointing out the error. My apologies.