The Walking Dead 615: East reader rating and response

D (Austin Amelio) and Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) in Episode 15Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead
D (Austin Amelio) and Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) in Episode 15Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead

The season finale of The Walking Dead is upon us, but before we all melt down from fear and anticipation, let’s talk about last week’s episode, East, and what our readers thought about it.

For those of you who can no longer remember last week’s episode of The Walking Dead amidst all of the hype over this weekend’s season finale and the appearance of the infamous Negan (my iPhone has begun writing his name as NEGAN, all on its own, which I find truly frightening), it was the one where Carol had something up her sleeve (literally), Daryl went after Dwight, Glenn, Michonne and Rosita went after Daryl, while Rick and Morgan went after Carol.

Seriously people? Someone needs to stay home and protect Alexandria! Then the end of the episode had the fandom gasping collectively when… no, we don’t even need to talk about it. We all know he’s OK. Because, well, we just KNOW. (To read my full recap of East, click here.)

Rosita, Michonne, Daryl, and Glenn - The Walking Dead, AMC
Rosita, Michonne, Daryl, and Glenn – The Walking Dead, AMC

So what did everyone think of East? Last week, I observed that Twice As Far was rated second lowest of the back half of season 6 by our readers. This week, I was surprised to find that East took that title, inching out Twice As Far with a 72% 4 star rating, compared to 73% for Twice As Far. This surprised me, because I hadn’t heard as much of a negative buzz on social media as I had the previous week.

Related Story: The Walking Dead: Is Carol fulfilling her comic book role?

But more negative it was, because fewer people also rated East 3 stars than the they did Twice As Far, as that rating slipped from 21% to 18%. The 2 and 1 star ratings, on the other hand, made up for the slight declines in both of the other categories. 2 star ratings increased, albeit marginally, from 4% to 5%, and 1 star ratings increased from 2% to 5%.

Average Reader Rating: 3.58 stars out of 4

Here’s what a few fans had to say about episode 615, aka “the one where Dwight took the title as the most hated villain.”

Jeneen Wake – 3 stars. I can’t give 4 stars to an episode where Daryl is shot by jerkface!

Brian Scott Krause – Carol does not want to kill people anymore but they keep needing it.

Wendy KW Walker – Carol is a freaking WARRIOR! Melissa McBride deserves an Emmy! #MessWithCarolYoullBeLookingAtFlowers!

Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) in Episode 15 Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead
Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) in Episode 15Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead

Neil – Loved it, Carol is using panic as a coping/distraction mechanism + the WTF!?!? The finale is perfectly set up.

Daryl&Carol#1fan – Nail biting episode but I think next week will make this week look as fluffy as Norman Reedus’ cat art…

Hershel’s Walker Head –

               3 stars. It’s looking like 4 people looking eye to barb wire with Lucille. If it’s not Glenn. because its too obvious, Daryl because he’s the bookies favorite. Then it has to be Michonne because Rosita would just be shit happens lets move on. Michonne would be huge. Carols T1000 machine gun arm was crazy. Rick and Morgan could’ve had that conversation 3 months ago.

              Morgan grew a lot and Rick seemed to finally get him. They shared a line about the protein bar. I was thinking hug it out (buts that’s me) Riggs and Murtaugh (Grimes and Jones) aren’t done, Morgan will be back along with Carol, not necessarily together or anytime soon perhaps but Morgan’s had a lot invested in him his stories far from done.

              This seasons made me realize the casts way too big now, talented actors have had very little to do this Season. It could harm the show long term. Maybe a Hershel’s farm sized cast is better. If you weren’t around at season 3 or earlier, then your gone would be my philosophy.

Ricktatorship –

              3 stars. Nice to see Morgan and Rick have a real conversation, sad part is I don’t think Morgan is going to return to Alexandria. The Carol scene was typical, didn’t surprise me one bit. Dwight sure has Daryl’s number and the fan girls/boys are going crazy.

             Maggie’s miscarriage didn’t surprise me either, I don’t think the producers want another baby on set. Why the group keeps splitting up astonishes me, you would think they would have learned that lesson. I hope the finale is better.

Next: The Walking Dead: EP Alpert says finale will melt internet

Now only a few hours separate us from the finale. From what I can tell, Walking Dead fans are split between being excited and terrified by Negan’s appearance. Where do you fall on that issue? (Personally, I have trouble being excited about a character who I already know is going to brutally murder one of my favorite characters!) Either way, Negan will be here soon. Stay safe tonight everyone!