On this past Sunday’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead, we were introduced to our first new character of the new season, a young man named Jack. Is he friend…OR FOE?
In case you need a refresher, Jack is the young man who is broadcasting music over the radio after Travis assigns Alicia to scan the airwaves for emergency broadcasts. In light of the desperate situation so many have found themselves in since at least Cobalt (If not all the way back to the beginning of the outbreak), Jack and Alicia begin to connect over, well, their situations, being stranded out in the Pacific, and what each has lost.
Jack explains to Alicia that he is stuck on a fishing trawler, along with his brother (Who owns the trawler) and his sister-in-law, neither of whom he names. It seems like, after spending most of the day talking, Jack and Alicia become friends, with Jack asking Alicia if she can help rescue him, his brother, and his sister-in-law, as their trawler is starting to take on water.
Strand nixes the idea, which Alicia, crestfallen, has to tell her new friend. He seems to understand, but, cryptically tells her “See you soon”.
All of this begs the question that, frankly, Alicia should have been more seriously thinking about: Who is Jack?
“Well, he’s just a guy stuck out at sea like The Group!” You might say, but…is he?
I mean, sure, I don’t doubt that he is, in fact, out in the Pacific like Alicia and company are, but, frankly, everything else he says might be a bold-faced lie! His story of being on a sinking ship might be a load of shit; For all we know, he, his brother, and his sister-in-law (Assuming they exist at all) might be pirates!!!
Ooooh yeah, you read that right, pirates.
Fear The Walking Dead Theory: Jack is a pirate.
You may have noticed in the sneak peek of what’s to come later in the season, that The Group finds itself with, much as Strand warned, unwanted company, as both Travis and Chris (pictured right) find themselves being held at gunpoint by, for a lack of a better term, pirates.
Is it possible that these pirates are led by Jack?
If you recall, as the day wore on and he and Alicia became more friendly, he started asking her more and more about The Abigail, what it had, what The Group had, and where they were.
While Alicia found these questions innocent enough, might he actually have been pumping her for information? Trying to determine if they’re close enough to and worth attacking?
Again, as Strand warned “It’s mob rule on land, you think it’s any better out here?” We really know nothing about Jack. It’s entirely possible that he’s a drug smuggler, or other such unscrupulous person, hell, that might be why he’s out on the Pacific in the first place! He might be someone who would’ve done whatever it takes to survive normally, and this situation has only caused him to become more desperate.
Having just prepared my notes for this Sunday’s Things To Note, I stumbled upon something that may reinforce my theory: The capsized boat.
Now, to those of us not versed in nautical vessel may simply see “a boat”, but, if what Nick found inside is any indication, it is, in fact, a yacht.
Why is this important?
Well, if you recall, as Jack is discussing with Alicia his desire to go to Hawaii, he asks her if she’s on a yacht.
Later, he tries to use smoke from a fire near the Santa Monica mountains as a marker so Alicia can know where to find him. If the smoke surrounding the capsized yacht is from that fire, it’s possible we may know what Jack meant by “See you soon”: He may have been intending to ambush The Group! With him assuming they were in a yacht, he may have thought the first yacht he saw was Alicia’s, and ambushed it (It was clearly riddled with bullets), either because that was the plan all along, or out of revenge for Alicia saying they couldn’t help. Either way, it seems more and more plausible.
More from Alicia Clark
- Fear the Walking Dead season 8: Will Alicia return for the last season?
- Did a Fear the Walking Dead director just confirm Alicia’s death?
- Can Fear the Walking Dead satisfactorily end series without Alicia’s return?
- Is Alicia dead on Fear the Walking Dead?
- Fear the Walking Dead says goodbye to Alicia
With neither the Coast Guard nor the Navy, apparently, offering assistance, the Pacific has quickly turned into the wild west, with only the goodwill of fellow mariners separating people from a watery grave. And, just because a person claims they have goodwill, especially now, doesn’t mean they actually do.
I feel Alicia should have been thinking a little bit more like Strand, it may save The Group a hell of a lot of trouble before their adventure on the high seas is over…
Next: Survival Rule of the Week
Which reminds me, if you want to here more about how to survive a zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can get it on Kindle here and on iTunes here!