The Walking Dead: ‘Augustus’ casting call sounds like Ezekiel

Ezekiel - The Walking Dead, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment
Ezekiel - The Walking Dead, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment /

A recent casting call for AMC’s The Walking Dead sounds as though the show is searching for the actor who will play Ezekiel on the hit zombie drama show.

The Walking Dead hinted that there was a community other than the Hilltop, Alexandria, and The Saviors out there when some men in padded armor on horses helped to save a badly wounded Carol and struggling Morgan during the show’s season 6 finale.

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Comic book readers recognized those men as people from The Kingdom. For those unfamiliar with this settlement, it is essentially what you’d imagine it to be. It is almost as if this settlement went back in time to the days of knighthood and medieval ways under the guidance of King Ezekiel.

It is almost a certainty that Ezekiel will make his debut during The Walking Dead’s seventh season, and a recent casting call by AMC has fans and the media confident that The Kingdom will introduced. According to an article on, a casting call for a character called “Augustus” sounds very similar to what would be needed to cast the new character.

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The description as given by states that the show is looking for an “African-American actor in his 40s” and “as flamboyant and wise, nice and weird.” Of course, Ezekiel is one of the most unique characters in The Walking Dead’s comic book series, so finding just the right actor to play him on the small screen could be very important, as the leader of The Kingdom should play a major role on AMC’s TV show.

Of course, no talk about Ezekiel would be complete without talking about his pet tiger Shiva, who should present a real challenge for the cast and crew of AMC’s The Walking Dead to present in a realistic and entertaining way. But these two characters could become some of the most popular individuals on the show if Robert Kirkman and Scott M. Gimple can pull off the characters well.

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The Walking Dead will return for season 7 of AMC’s hit zombie survival drama this October to find out more about Alexandria’s battle with The Saviors, how The Hilltop will react to Rick’s group not eliminating Negan’s threat, and, of course, to meet the charismatic and intriguing King Ezekiel.