Highlighting The Walking Dead’s Season 6 Walkers: RPG Walker

RPG walker. The Walking Dead. AMC
RPG walker. The Walking Dead. AMC /

Season 6 of The Walking Dead featured herds of walkers, but there were some that stood out from the herd. Let’s look at some of these. Meet RPG Walker.

On The Walking Dead the walkers are key for many different reasons. They are the cause of the circumstances that our people are up against daily. They create the world in which everyone must reside, and survive.

The walkers themselves are visual representation of what the human once looked like and mirror of the environment they walk in now. They rot and decay without the part of them that makes them human, just as humans rot and decay without some humanity inside of them.

How long can the survivors remain human without becoming the walking dead as the living or the undead? The theme of the world not being over yet is a big one in season 6.

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Abraham Ford and his walker furthered that theme when he decided to stop taunting death and start trying to live in the new world again. His little sweat lodge moment of truth came when he let out a scream and let go and was rewarded with a box of cigars and some cool ass weapons.

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His sign that he was on the right path was the simple, drop of Mr. RPG man who left his weapon for Abraham after he fell. Abe didn’t need to make a difficult mission to kill this walker. He just screamed at him and he fell. He gave himself permission to live and he gave RPG man permission to let go.

They both stop clawing and growling and fighting. They enjoyed a moment of peace and serenity in a world full of constant fear, movement and noise.

RPG walker wasn’t especially gross or different or memorable looking. But that was the point. He was a soldier in a uniform. One of the herd. One of the military. The uniformed. One of the masses of people who had fought the good fight. And he passed along a weapon and some peace and courage to Abraham to become a fighter again, too.

Next: Highlighting season 6 walkers: Poop Walkers

Abraham had always been wrapped up in being the leader. Having a supremely important mission. But he’s just a man. And that’s no less important. He’s a man who’s trying to survive and help as many people as he can where he can. That’s how you save the world.

Start with yourself. Then Sasha.