Santa delivered lots of The Walking Dead presents this year


The Walking Dead family isn’t just the cast and crew. It’s us. Yes the fans. And part of our tradition for the holidays is showing off our presents to our Twitter friends.

Whether or not our family and friends share our The Walking Dead obsession, they are usually at least aware of it enough to know that a present related to the zombie show would be a big hit.

One of the traditions that we have on Twitter that just popped up out of necessity and bragging, I mean sharing, rights is the posting of The Walking Dead presents! Our family and friends might understand the zombierificness of the gifts, but once that high has worn off, we need to share with our Twitter family.

It’s great fun to see what The Walking Dead fabulousness other Twitter friends received from Santa and family and friends. It also helps give us ideas for how we might spend the holiday cash we might have received.

Related Story: A TWD Christmas Carol

Related Story: Merry Christmas Tweets from The Walking Dead Cast

The happiest Christmas Tweet of the day:

Next: Great TWD gift ideas

If you got a The Walking Dead related present for Christmas, let us know in the comments. Maybe you got some good ideas from the Tweets here for future birthday presents or even Valentine’s Day presents!

Season 7 returns on February 12. Lincoln’s birthday is a great day for a present!