The Walking Dead: Our Undead Chat series continues on Twitter with Erik Wantland

MIchonne. Walkers. The Walking Dead. AMC.
MIchonne. Walkers. The Walking Dead. AMC.

We continued our popular Undead Chat series on Twitter last Sunday with Walker actor from The Walking Dead, Erik Wantland.

Our Twitter followers have enjoyed chats with a number of actors from The Walking Dead over that last several weeks. We’ve had members of Hilltop, a Scavenger, a bunch of Saviors and a Walker.

Last Sunday we added another Walker to the list. Erik Wantland chatted with our followers about his experiences at zombie school and on the set of The Walking Dead and about his full-time job as a Special Ed teacher and his BMX biking hobby.

The chats are a great way for the actors to interact with fans on Twitter. Our followers ask great questions and the actors have been so enthusiastic and gracious with their time. They answer so many of the questions and even come back to answer more the next day if they missed some.

Related Story: Our Undead Chat with 'Tamiel'

Let’s take a look at the highlights of this Undead Chat:

Next: Stephen Vining's Undead Chat

It’s so great to get these insights into behind-the-scenes information as well as get the actor’s opinions about the show and the characters. It’s fun to know they watch and love the show that we love.

Thank you, Erik, for taking the time to Undead Chat with us!