Who lives on and who sees a curtain call on tonight’s Walking Dead Season 7 Finale? We take a look at potential Survival Odds for both Rick and the Saviors.
During The Walking Dead’s cast talk at PaleyFest, producer David Alpert mentioned the Season Finale would be emotional in ways we didn’t necessarily expect from The Walking Dead.
Keeping this in mind, let’s look at the potential outcome of a great battle between Rick’s Group and Negan’s Saviors tonight!
Aaron – Chances: 30%
Aaron is not quite a lead mainstay but not quite a background character either. It’s that purgatory that usually comes with being significant enough to go. Aaron’s pinnacle point this season was being beaten in ‘Hearts Still Beating’ by the Saviors. A catalyst to change Rick’s mind on fighting back. If a relatively mainstay character is gonna go in battle, it’s likely going to be Aaron. Leaving partner Eric to blame Rick. Reviving Spencer’s notion that Rick is the one who ruined Alexandria among members of the community.
Arat – Chances: 15%

She took out Olivia, it’s likely she will be seeing Tara this Season Finale. While being a high ranking member of the Saviors, she has not had much of a speaking role in the show, somebody’s gotta go for Rick’s group to have any kind of revenge feel. It’s not going to be Negan or Simon this early.
Carl Grimes – Chances: 100%
Negan’s shown to not harm youth or women. Gavin even freaked out after what happened to Benjamin. If Carl survived his one man ambush of Sanctuary, he’s making it out of the Season Finale.
Carol Peletier – Chances: 50%
Despite being one of the best and most popular characters of the show, Carol has quietly shifted to the background this season. It could be a sign of being gradually phased out. If anything’s going to make us feel in ways we didn’t expect from The Walking Dead as producer Alpert said, it would be Carol’s exit. That said, they’ve teased it before she was brought to the Kingdom by Morgan.
At PaleyFest, Melissa McBride said her reaction to reading the script was “Really? That was my reaction, really? Wow, okay, this is different. This is different! I like this finale.” It might not mean anything or it could mean everything.
Daryl Dixon – Chances: 100%

Are you insane? No AMC executive would allow this catastrophe to happen. Daryl is not going anywhere. Google Walking Dead cast and Daryl Dixon is shown before Rick Grimes (the lead protagonist), just think about that.
Cyndie – Chances: 95%
She’s probably not going to be there, so we give high odds she makes it into Season 8. That said, there might be a chance she comes in to save Tara one last time and doesn’t quite see Season 8.
Dwight – Chances: 98%
Dwight is not going this early unless Sherry somehow plays a role in the Season 7 finale. He still has much character development left to see.
Enid – Chances: 90%
Enid likely makes it, again Negan does not tolerate people who hurt women or youngsters. That said Alpert said the episode would make us feel strongly emotionally. A Carl losing Enid scene would accomplish such a scene tenfold.
Eugene Porter – Chances: 95%

Dr. Eugene Porter is a survivor, and adapts on the scene. Eugene probably makes it through to Season 8, whether as a member of the Saviors or Rick’s group is yet to be seen.
Eric – Chances: 5%
Strong feeling this is it for Aaron’s partner, he’s been hinting all season about getting away from it all. Trying to convince Aaron to just leave Alexandria and its people behind so they can live on in peace. That’s always a strong indication something is going down, as Eric has now joined the group on the outside for the first time and seems uncomfortable but doing it so he can stay with Aaron. Chances are it’s over, he’s not a major character as screen time goes.
Father Gabriel Stokes – Chances: 40%
Much like Carol, Gabriel has mostly shifted to the background as narrative goes this season. He has not looked so tough lately being caught by the scavengers. His interactions with Rosita could be forecasting his own demise helping her.
Gavin – Chances: 100%
Gavin is making it, as Saviors go, he doesn’t seem to be that bad. He just does as he’s told, Jared however, will not be seeing another tour if Morgan is on the scene.
Gregory – Chances: 50%

It all depends if Gregory goes through with an attempt on Maggie’s life as was hinted last episode. Though Maggie might be caught off guard, Gregory is not exactly savvy in the ways of combat. He’s also losing political leverage with his own people to Maggie.
Jadis – Chances: 100%
Jadis’ story has barely begun. She’ll make it to Season 8.
Jared – Chances: 5%
If somebody is going to see vengeance, it’s the man who took out Benjamin. Morgan won’t let it slide if he encounters him.
Jerry – Chances: 100%
Too early for Jerry to go, much more character development to be had.
King Ezekiel – Chances: 100%

Leaders don’t fall so suddenly, King Ezekiel might be wounded in the ensuing combat, but he’ll live to see another day in Season 8.
Laura – Chances – 40%
The Savior who had her eyes set on Spencer might be one of the fallen in the combat. She’s recognizable enough to bring a sense of closure if a lead Savior has to go. Would not be surprised to see Eugene protecting her however.
Maggie Greene – Chances: 65%
Maggie most likely makes it, but there’s always the chance Gregory blindsides her out of nowhere. He was literally contemplating stabbing Maggie in the back last episode. Despite his noncombat ready background, all it takes is one betrayal.
Michonne – Chances: 100%

Flashback to Season 4, the only time Michonne particularly looked mildly vulnerable. Hershel Greene is taken out by The Governor despite that entire season being about The Governor asking Rick for Michonne.
Despite Michonne taking out his eye and his dreams of seeing daughter walker Penny become human again through scientific treatment… He takes out Hershel? A man he barely knew and had no confrontations with. All while having the chance to finally take out his arch adversary, and you think Michonne is leaving now?
Morgan – Chances: 70%
Morgan seems to have lost it a bit recently, breaking his nonlethal ways. He’ll probably make it, but he might also sacrifice himself in the wake of battle.
Negan – Chances: 100%
Negan isn’t going anywhere. See you in season 8.
Paul ‘Jesus’ Rovia – Chances: 95%
Another character that’s barely been in the show, much character development to see. He’s not written off already.

Rick Grimes – Chances: 100%
There is no Walking Dead show without Rick Grimes. He lives.
Rosita Espinosa – Chances: 60%
Despite her tendencies, Rosita has a pretty good chance to make it to Season 8. She’ll likely see Sasha’s sacrifice as giving her the opportunity to live on.
Sasha – Chances: 15%
She’s already captured by the Saviors and hasn’t taken in kindly to the ideas like Eugene. Probably curtain call once she betrays the Saviors but there is a chance she makes it.
Simon – Chances: 100%
Way too early for Simon to go, he’s a majorly strong character too. You can’t have a show without competitive antagonists, Simon lives.
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Sherry – Chances: 95%
Sherry probably does not appear this episode and returns in Season 8. However, if she does appear, there’s no telling if she survives an altercation.
Tara – Chances: 35%
Tara’s final magnum opus might be revealing the location of the Oceanside community. She might live on to Season 8, but with Alpert’s statement someone significant might be leaving the show. Tara could be that person.
Alanna Masterson, mentioned her reaction to reading the Season Finale script was fans will be shocked and surprised.”I was shocked to say the least. I think everyone is gonna be pretty shocked and surprised when they see it.”
Tobin – Chances: 15%
If Tobin is in the episode, there’s a chance he might sacrifice himself so Carol can live on. There’s also gotta be casualties from Alexandria’s side in a great battle, and Tobin is a recognizable face.
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