Comic book review: The Walking Dead issue 172 ‘Hilltop Reborn’

Undead Talking YouTube square - The Walking Dead 172, Image Comics and Skybound
Undead Talking YouTube square - The Walking Dead 172, Image Comics and Skybound /

Was Issue 172 of The Walking Dead comic book series any good? Here are a review and recap of the October 2017 issue titled ‘Hilltop Reborn’.

A new issue of The Walking Dead comic book series was released on October 4, 2017 for fans itching to find out what is next for the survivors in the most popular zombie survival drama comic series in the world.

The issue is the 172nd of the series and is titled ‘Hilltop Reborn’. CLICK HERE to get the full recap of events from the issue, but the big question is whether or not the installment of the story was any good.

Here is our review of The Walking Dead issue 172 as shared on the official YouTube channel of Undead Talking:

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Also, be sure to check out all the great updates, news, information, rumors, and more regarding everything in The Walking Dead universe on the Undead Walking website, where all the videos from Undead Talking will also be shared.

Undead Talking will return on Sunday, October 8, 2017 to discuss season 3 episode 4 of Fear The Walking Dead titled ‘El Matadero’ during our live stream and chat where we watch the east coast broadcast with fans!

We will also come back each month for more reviews of the comic series each month, and hopefully, it will continue to smooth out as the show grows with experience.

Next: When is the 'next big thing' coming to the comics?

What did you think of the October 2017 issue of The Walking Dead? Was issue 172 titled ‘Hilltop Reborn’ an excellent comic book or did it fail to meet your expectations? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.