5 fan questions about The Walking Dead answered for October 7, 2017

Negan and his Wives - The Walking Dead, AMC
Negan and his Wives - The Walking Dead, AMC /
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Negan and his Wives - The Walking Dead, AMC
Negan and his Wives – The Walking Dead, AMC /

#4. For love or protection?

Let’s be honest about this situation. VERY few, if any, women were a part of Negan’s stable of wives because they genuinely enjoyed his company and just want to spend time getting to know him.

The way it was shown on the show, it looked as though most (if not all) of those women were there because of extortion. However, there were some of them who seemed to enjoy the power and privileges that came with being part of his group.

If I were a betting man, I’d guess that only one or two of the women, since we didn’t get to see all of them, were there because they liked what being with Negan had to offer. The rest of them are there out of obligation or fear.

Hopefully, the liberation of Negan’s wives will prove who will stick by him or who will return to a relationship they have been torn away from. But, for now, we should just assume that all of them would prefer not to be there.