The Walking Dead introduced Lance Hornsby in issue 175. Who is he?

Lance Hornsby - The Walking Dead comics, Skybound and Image Comics
Lance Hornsby - The Walking Dead comics, Skybound and Image Comics

Issue 175 of The Walking Dead had several intimidating soldiers in body armor on the cover, but the most menacing new person in the issue was Lance Hornsby.

There were some huge revelations in issue 175 of The Walking Dead. An army of soldiers in body armor, a city of 50,000 people, a stadium for concerts, sports leagues, Michonne learning her daughter is looking for her and much more.

While those soldiers were intimidating and everything else felt new and scary, one of the most intriguing parts came when things settled down and a man in a suit appeared behind a desk to talk with the survivors.

Introducing himself as Lance Hornsby, there wasn’t much as far as charisma to enjoy about this new survivor. However, his demeanor, suited attire, and way of talking with others did nothing to make him more endearing as he grilled the group from Alexandria with questions.

Lance Hornsby - The Walking Dead comics, Skybound and Image Comics
Lance Hornsby – The Walking Dead comics, Skybound and Image Comics

He seemed to think nothing of ordering soldiers to take action, even leaving groups behind to fight walkers while he continued on his path, even napping in the horse-drawn wagon during the journey back.

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The Commonwealth’s bookkeeper may have been fair with Eugene and the other survivors from Alexandria, but he definitely lacked any sort of social skills. Plus, Lance’s upstanding nature and overconfidence made him extremely unlikable.

But just because a character is unlikable, does that mean they aren’t trustworthy?

Hornsby may be a jerk. He may be selfish. And he may put his job above everything else, but he doesn’t seem like a horrible person although he has the potential to be one. But he’ll definitely be a character to keep an eye on in the future.

Next: Michonne's discovery in TWD 175

What did you think of Lance Hornsby in issue 175 of The Walking Dead? Did you find him to be likable in any way? And would you trust him going forward? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.