Preview: The Walking Dead comic issue 176 ‘New World Order Part 2 of 6’

The Walking Dead 176 preview page - Image Comics and Skybound
The Walking Dead 176 preview page - Image Comics and Skybound /

Fans can take a look at three panels from issue 176 of The Walking Dead comic book titled ‘New World Order Part 2 of 6’ released in February of 2018.

The February 2018 issue of The Walking Dead comic book continues what will be one of the most pivotal arcs in the history of the franchise, adding a massive number of survivors and a new community to our established universe.

Thankfully, issue 176 titled ‘New World Order Part 2 of 6’ has a release date right around the corner and fans will be able to pick up the print or digital versions of the comic on February 7, 2018.

Until then, Skybound and Image Comics have released the preview page featuring three panels from the upcoming issue. Check it out right here as shared from the official The Walking Dead website:

The Walking Dead 176 preview page - Image Comics and Skybound
The Walking Dead 176 preview page – Image Comics and Skybound /

While the panels don’t give away too much and may not be in any kind of order, here is a look at what each could mean.

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The first panel features the survivors in Ohio sitting in chairs between what looks like two office doors. This could mean they have reached the Commonwealth and are preparing to meet with the leader of the community, or perhaps they need to undergo some more screening before they can do so. Either way, Eugene appears to be getting impatient.

Next, Michonne is speechless after seeing or hearing something. Odds are this isn’t from the reunion with her daughter or anything like that, but instead, it is likely a revelation about the community they are visiting.

Finally, the woman from the cover of the issue is shown in the last panel. She has the makeup of a career politician and appears to be talking about why there are so many rules and precautions in place at the Commonwealth.

Next: Is The Commonwealth too good to be true?

What did you think of these preview panels for issue 176 of The Walking Dead? And are you excited for ‘New World Order Part 2 of 6’? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.