What will happen in issue 193 of The Walking Dead comics titled “The Farm House” on July 3, 2019? Here are five predictions for the upcoming issue!
It has been a little under a month since issue 192 of The Walking Dead comics shocked the world and changed the franchise forever. Now, the story will attempt to continue with the issue being released in July 2019.
But where can the story go from here? And what can happen next that can even compare to what readers endured during last month’s issue? Those are great questions that will need to be answered eventually.
However, for now, people can speculate on what will happen in “The Farm House” which will be released on July 3. Here are five predictions for the upcoming issue of The Walking Dead based only on the preview and synopsis as well as the current storyline:
- There is no mention of Rick or the Commonwealth. It’s a bit of a bold move to completely change the tone and conversation in the comics, but that will likely be what happens. Readers still need time to absorb what happened to Rick and how it is impacting Carl, so taking a step away is a good thing.
- The figure at the farm house is revealed. The artwork released so far for the upcoming issue has been very careful not to show too many details about who the stranger at the farm house is. But it will finally be revealed to be a character who hasn’t been seen since issue 174.
- It is still “A Solitary Life”. As fans saw back in issue 174, Negan is capable of living on his own, but he likely doesn’t want to at this point. With nobody to talk to and the isolation hitting him, he feels it might be time to hit up Alexandria and talk to Rick about coming back on a full-time basis.
- Lots of monologues. If you like Negan swearing to himself and trying to figure out the messes he’s made for himself, this will be an issue for you. The foul language will be flying all the way until the final pages of the issue when…
- A new threat approaches. While he’s working on the farm, an individual sneaks up on him with a gun and tells him to drop what he’s holding and slowly turn around. The identity of this person won’t be revealed during this issue, but Negan will definitely see this as a threat.
Keep in mind, these are all predictions. As readers have seen in my previous installments of predictions articles, guessing the direction that Robert Kirkman and The Walking Dead comics goes can be a real challenge.
What do you think will happen in issue 193 of The Walking Dead comics? Do you think this will be a Negan-centric installment of the series or will “The Farm House” be a bit of a swerve for readers? Let us know your predictions in the comments section!