The Walking Dead Deluxe will have 6 connecting art covers from Charlie Adlard
The Walking Dead Deluxe is shaping up to have a remarkable debut. Skybound has already revealed the artwork for several variants releasing for this series in the coming months. Today, 9/8/20 Image Comics drops incredible news via press release that Charlie Adlard will have a stunning set of interconnecting comic covers from issue #1 to issue #6.
This is not the first time The Walking Dead has created comics that connect, the first appearance of Negan and the Whisperer war also received incredible connecting work. Both of those arcs are story changing within the universe so it’s only fitting that they receive a set to show their importance.
Now the time has finally come for the issues that started it all to get a striking set of their own and who better than Charlie Adlard. These covers by Adlard are in a similar style to the set of 6 he created for the Whisperer war, issues #157 through #162. This new set of covers highlights some classic characters, bringing them back to life through to magic of art.
Each comic from this set of 6 shows one prominent walker towards the front, which only uses grayscale and at least three main characters. They all also feature one iconic moment. Arguably the most impressive of the entire set is the variant created for #1. While each of these characters are very important to this universe, when it comes to covers, Morgan Jones has been vastly overlooked so a cover including him and Duane is perfect for the first issue.

Will you be buying The Walking Dead Deluxe? Do you have a particular variant you already want or an artist you want to see do a cover? Tweet me your thoughts @Mamadeadhead!