Luke’s qualities on The Walking Dead

Dan Fogler as Luke, Alex Sgambati as Jules - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 1 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Dan Fogler as Luke, Alex Sgambati as Jules - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 1 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC /

Ever since The Walking Dead season 9, “What Comes After,” when we were introduced to Magna, Yumiko, Kelly, Connie and Luke – this group has been full of interesting personalities and stories. All bringing their own quirks to the story, but in particular, Luke (Dan Fogler).

After being found by Judith Grimes (Cailey Fleming), Magna’s group was soon introduced to Alexandra and their community. It wasn’t long before their interactions with the Alexandrian council made them begin their journey to the Hilltop. They have definitely brought with them some awesome scenes and moments to the series.

With so much to be seen from them in season 11, such as what’s happened to Connie and Yumiko’s capture, they all play roles they fit into that keep them so engaged within the story. From relationships to cool slingshots, this group has captured the hearts of TWD viewers far and wide.

Luke’s Qualities in The Apocalypse

Passion The passion this music maestro has for his art has continuously been referenced during his time on the show. Let’s not forget the screams of terror Luke gave when the original “Stradivarius” (in an episode of the same name) he so loved was broken in two. This showed his softer side by putting his highest priority in an apocalypse into maintaining one of times oldest traditions…music! He adds some much-needed tunes and sing-a-longs to the communities!

Camaraderie – This ex-teacher loves helping people and large groups, so a new community seemed perfect to Luke, especially after his last group had been overrun. This probably explains why he was so thankful to Alexandria for letting them stay a little while, being a man of unity and experience. Luke knows life is precious now more than ever, and so are friends. So any scene with Luke throwing his arms around his friends or embracing them in a hug brings hope to the characters and warms fans’ hearts! And pretty much any time he blushes over Jules!

Emotion – Luke has certainly been through a lot. I mean, he and Alden were surrounded by Alpha and the Whisperers in “Adaptation” when just trying to find missing members of the group before being taken, scary! But, thanks to his knowledge of remaining calm whilst also fighting for what’s right, he managed to end the night safely after Daryl exchanged Lydia for him and Alden. Thanks to his knowledge of sign language and Connie’s bravery, Connie and the Whisperer child (who was soon adopted by Tammy and Earl, then ironically, Alden) were also safe.

Cooper Andrews as Jerry, Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Gustavo Gomez as Marco, Angel Theory as Kelly – The Walking Dead  – Photo Credit: Mark Hill/AMC
Cooper Andrews as Jerry, Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Gustavo Gomez as Marco, Angel Theory as Kelly – The Walking Dead  – Photo Credit: Mark Hill/AMC /

Skill – Luke also has, on occasion, become in tune with his inner engineer like Eugene. He built a speaker to blare out music in “A Certain Doom,” hoping to lure the dead away, which was working before being destroyed by Beta’s army of Whisperers. This is a key skill to have in a World that literally needs to be rebuilt!

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All in all, Luke brings some much-needed light and joy to a world that can be so dark and challenging. His presence is his gift, and this makes him and his qualities so important. You can catch The Walking Dead when it returns on AMC for Season 11 on August 22, Star On Disney+ on August 23 for the UK.