I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see Michael James Shaw on-screen as Mercer in season 11 of The Walking Dead. He looks the spit of the Mercer from the comics, and I bet his portrayal will be outstanding.
Before Shaw was announced to play this role, fans with impressive investigative skills had figured out who would play Mercer. They use all kinds of stealthy ways on social media to make these discoveries. When Shaw posted photos with his beard grown out, this pretty much sealed their discovery as fact. When the announcement finally came, fans were ecstatic.

There are certain iconic looks to some comic book characters that just have to be done right in this series. Characters like Ezekiel, Princess, Michonne, Abraham and others who fans just deserve to see in their comic book splendor. Mercer is also one of those characters. His red Commonwealth soldier uniform stands out to mark his authority and rank and needs to be seen this way in the series.
Fans have not been disappointed. Look below at that uniform! He looks like he walked off the comic book page. The photo here shows Mercer with Yumiko (Eleanor Matsuura), who the Commonwealth is holding along with Ezekiel, Princess and Eugene. This is from “Acheron: Part II,” which is the second episode of season 11. From the teasers and trailer, it looks like the Commonwealth will further interrogate our group.

The Walking Dead Mercer
A cool promo post of Mercer was Tweeted by The Walking Dead on AMC Twitter page, and we finally get to hear Mercer speak.
Time to do your part.
— The Walking Dead (@WalkingDead_AMC) August 13, 2021
Join the cause when #TWD returns August 22nd or stream it early this Sunday with @AMCPlus. pic.twitter.com/mL7jRpFLZr
I got goosebumps listening to that!
I don’t know what the series will hold for the Commonwealth arc, but I think we are in from some great new episodes for the final season. Pamela Milton and Lance Hornsby of the Commonwealth have been cast.