The flagship series in The Walking Dead universe aired its final midseason finale, making way for the return of the first spinoff series, Fear the Walking Dead. This series was the first-ever spinoff of The Walking Dead and, in turn, has a spinoff titled Dead in the Water, which is available only on AMC+.
Fear the Walking Dead began airing in 2015 and is currently in its seventh season. The series has been renewed for an eighth season, and as the main series is ending in 2022, this gives fans of the franchise something to fill the void.
Throughout the seven seasons, Fear TWD has migrated from Los Angeles to Mexico, and the current timeline is set in Texas. The tone of the series has altered during its run, making for a very diverse story. This series divides the fandom as it is compared to the original, with many fans disliking it and others preferring it.
Fear the Walking Dead season 7 return date
Fear the Walking Dead returns to AMC on Sunday, April 17, at 9 p.m. ET. AMC+ will air the first two episodes of the second half of season 7 on this date, and the remaining episodes of this season will be available via that service one week early.
The episode titles for season 7B of Fear the Walking Dead:
709 Follow Me – April 17
710 Mourning Cloak – April 24
711 Ofelia – May 1
712 Sonny Boy – May 8
713 The Raft – May 15
714 Divine Providence – May 22
715 Amina – May 29
716 TBA
The fandom has been abuzz with the news that fan-favorite character Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) will be making her return during this segment of episodes. There is a theory that her return could come in the episode titled “Amina,” as her children, Nick and Alicia, cared for a bird when they were young, and that was the name they called it. This was also the title of Madison’s interview tape with Al as she shared that story with her.
The Walking Dead universe is losing something special with the end of the main series but will have Fear the Walking Dead and Tales of the Walking Dead in 2022 to carry viewers on. In 2023 Isle of the Dead, the Maggie and Negan spinoff will be released, and the long-awaited Daryl and Carol spinoff will also be released next year.
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