Troy Otto is a character in Fear the Walking Dead, played by actor Daniel Sharman, who was introduced in season 3. During this season, he would also come against Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) and was left for dead after she bashed him in the head with a hammer. In the eighth and final season, Troy makes a surprising return.
Troy resided on the Broke Jaw Ranch, owned and operated by his father, Jeremiah Otto Sr. (Dayton Callie). Troy and his brother Jake (Sam Underwood) worked alongside their father at the ranch founded decades before the outbreak. The ranch served as a survivalist headquarters prepared for catastrophes like an economic collapse “but didn’t anticipate the rise of the dead.” But they were well prepared to handle whatever came their way, making the location an ideal place to survive.
Troy, a charismatic guy, embraced the violence of the apocalypse and often let his dark side take control. He wasn’t happy when his father allowed Madison and her family to join their community as he was suspicious of strangers. He made their lives difficult but would eventually consider Nick his brother.
His altercation with Madison would come after she learns he is the one who led a horde of walkers to the ranch. This action resulted in numerous deaths, and Troy would tell her that the ranch was his to destroy and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. She bludgeons him in the head, twice, with a hammer, and his lifeless body rolls down a hill. He is later seen floating away in the flood waters of the Gonzalez Dam.
Fear the Walking Dead – Troy Otto
In the final scene of the midseason 8 finale, someone is seen packing a bag with familiar items, including Alica’s prosthetic arm, as they listen to the radio message by Madison. It would be revealed that this is Troy, who didn’t die at the dam but has been actively searching for Madison to exact his revenge.
He would return during the season 8 midseason premiere with plans to take PADRE from Madison. He blames her for the fall of the ranch, his home, even though his actions were the cause. He explains that he is searching for what Madison stole from him, a home, and he believes taking hers is the way to solve that problem.
In episode 8, the story reveals Troy’s motivation for seeking a home. He has a daughter, Tracy and other children within his group who he needs to find a safe place to live.
Fear the Walking Dead airs new episodes on Sundays on AMC and AMC+. The series finale airs on November 19, 2023.
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