The Walking Dead Season 5 Spoiler: Is Bob Tainted Meat?


Is Bob getting set up to be Tainted Meat?

Just a warning to anyone that gets onto this post, there could be possible spoilers for the show and the comic book series here. It is all speculation, but have to give you the warning before you start reading and ruin something.

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On the previews for the next show, it looks like Bob and Sasha are starting up a relationship. The two are seen kissing.

In the comic series, a couple of characters that don’t exist any longer on the TV series strike up a relationship, Andrea and Dale. Could Bob and Sasha be taking over for their role?

One of the big scenes in the comic series, is the “tainted meat” scene. This event would be when Dale gets bit by a walker and tries to hide it from the rest of the group. He goes out into the woods to die and ends up waking up to the hunters eating his legs. Dale laughs at them all and says you are eating TAINTED MEAT.

Could Bob be set up for that role? For some reason Gareth knew Bob’s name when he was questioning him at the trough. Also in the previews for Episode 2, it looks like Bob goes down into a water filled area to get some supplies and gets caught up with some walkers. In the New Zealand preview it actually looks like Bob is in a different area, but is not too happy where he is at either. There is some fire burning around him and all.

Bob seems to be a perfect candidate to be TAINTED MEAT. If he gets bit in this episode 2 and we are all left hanging at his situation, he has to be the TAINTED MEAT.

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