The Walking Dead: What’s the purpose of a trailer?

We were recently treated to the trailer for Season 6 of The Walking Dead. Many fans have been trying to predict and determine what will happen during the first few episodes at least from those short clips. Heck, many have been making predictions based on the banner created for Comic-con before the trailer even aired.

Comic-Con promotional art for season 6, The Walking Dead - AMC
Comic-Con promotional art for season 6, The Walking Dead – AMC

Lucky for me, I don’t have that prediction gene in me. I’m not bragging. It’s nothing  I’ve cultivated or do on purpose. I just don’t do it. I’ve written about it before. When the poster came out I wrote that I wouldn’t be making predictions from it.  I wrote quickly after that about the difference between wondering and predicting because I wondered what was wrong with me!  I even warned people about how Walking Dead is famous for misdirection before the trailer was released.

Many people, including our Adam, have been wondering about the same thing since the release of the trailer. Is the trailer a big, fat lie? My guess is YEP! Then I wondered…who cares? How horrible would it be if we really could guess and predict everything from the trailers and weekly previews.

What is the purpose of the trailer? The purpose isn’t to let us know what’s going to happen. It’s to give us an idea of the feel of things. With a movie we want to know a little bit about the plot or what it’s going to be about to some degree to decide if we want to watch.

It’s season six.

It’s The Walking Dead.

We want to watch!

The purpose is to get us excited. To feel the intensity. To get us to wonder and to want October to get here as fast as it can.

I think the trailer accomplished its goal.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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