The Walking Dead: Review of Norman Reedus’ new phone app

Norman Reedus of The Walking Dead has a new app for your phone where you can hear Norman’s voice chastise you if you drop your phone or leave it idle.

The app is called Buttafyngas or Butterfingerz, spelled those two ways. One version is free. The “dirty”version is $1.99.  I downloaded the free version. There are some complaints in the reviews about the app not working and just hearing static, but my app worked great right away. I dropped the phone on the couch and Norman said, “Ouch!”

Here are the links: Google play store: Free  Dirty  iTunes: Free  Dirty

Read more: Norman Reedus may find new fans on his new ride.

Read more: Norman Reedus’ favorite day on set.

Read more: Norman Reedus tells us to pay attention to the little things.

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There are 3 drop choices: ouch, woo hoo and I’ve never felt so alive. There are also 3 idle choices: I’m over here, It’s cool…I like to sit alone in the dark-it’s fun, and Help! I agree with some of the reviews that it might be nice to have a shuffle or random option instead of the same choice every time.
You can select drop sensitivity for your phone. I dropped mine on the couch. Your idle mode can be 1 minute (fun at first) and then there is a slide bar for any number of minutes between 1 and 60.

A smart option is the quiet hours. You can mute the idle function any times between the hours of 8pm and 10 am so you don’t have to remember to turn it off at night or bury your phone under a pillow somewhere every night to stop it from waking you up!

All in all, this is a very simple and very fun app. It’s actually pretty hilarious. I just tossed my phone aside now while I am typing and it woo hoo’d at me! I forgot it was on. Simple is usually best. This is simple. If you love Norman and love a little smile in your life, give it a download! It’s free and fun.

Check out Norman talking to Jimmy Fallon about the app!