Some of The Walking Dead cast members have agreed to takeover our Twitter to reply to questions from our followers and even live Tweet episodes.
Undead Walking put out a call on Twitter a few days ago to see if any of the cast would like to take over our Twitter to do a short question and answer session or live tweet with us using the hashtag #undeadtwittertakeover.
We were thrilled to receive responses already from 3 Hilltop actors, a walker and 2 Saviors! We are honored to set up Twitter Takeovers with these wonderful actors. Our Twitter followers who have heard the news already are very excited.
Stephen Vining

Stephen Vining has portrayed over 40 walkers on The Walking Dead during seasons 5, 6, and 7. He has become a great friend to us at Undead Walking. Our Twitter followers love talking to him. He shares screen shots each week after the episodes air and answers questions.
When season 6 came out on Netflix, he did a live Tweet with us of the premiere episode one night and shared great stories. Stephen has agreed to set up an Undead Walking Twitter takeover some time during season 7 when he returns from his trip to England.
Jayson Warner Smith and Blaine Rincon

Jayson, the big boss in the middle, and Blaine, far right, have both graciously agreed to do a Twitter takeover for us. Jayson will join us during the back half of season 7. Blaine will set up his Q & A on a weekend sometime in the near future. Look for details on both of these takeovers on our Twitter. Hopefully, we won’t have to give up half of our followers.
Justin Kucsulain, Jeremy Palko and Xander Berkeley

Xander Berkeley .Gregory .

Xander Berkeley as Gregory – The Walking Dead, AMC

Justin Kucsulain. Ethan.

Jeremy Palko. Andy.
Hilltoppers Ethan, Andy and Gregory (Justin Kucsulain, Jeremy Palko, and Xander Berkeley) all said, “I’m in!” right away. Xander will be on Talking Dead tomorrow during the Hilltop centered episode of The Walking Dead, but Jeremy Palko will be replying to Tweets at Undead Walking at 1pm ET and Justin Kucsulain will be entertaining questions at 8:30 pm ET and staying with us to watch the episode and live tweet with us!
Related Story: Justin's Twitter Takeover
Related Story: Jeremy's Twitter Takeover
Join us tomorrow for our first #undeadtwittertakeover at 1 pm and again at 8:30 pm with Hilltoppers and great guys Jeremy Palko and Justin Kucsulain! Check the hashtag to keep up with all the news about future takeovers.
Next: 2016 Walking Dead Gift Guide
And thank you so much to the great actors who jumped right in and said yes to us for this fantastic opportunity for our readers and our followers to interact with the cast members. We can’t wait to get to know you better. We appreciate your time and your talents! You truly make us feel like part of The Walking Dead family!