Since the final episode of The Walking Dead has come and gone, it is fun to look back at favorite episodes and remember the greatness of them. For many fans, this writer included “The Grove,” ranks as one of the best of the 177 episodes of The Walking Dead. This episode originally aired on AMC on March 16, 2014, was written by Scott Gimple, and is the first episode Michael Satrazemis directed of TWD.
This was an emotional episode featuring Carol (Melissa McBride), Tyreese (Chad Coleman), Lizzie (Brighton Sharbino), Mika (Kyla Kennedy), and baby Judith (Eleora & Elisea DiFranco) once they were reunited after the fall of the prison. Tyreese saved all three girls after the prison fell, and they would eventually meet up with Carol, who saves them all.
“The Grove” finds these characters locating a perfect haven to regroup, but then another tragedy occurs, making this one of the most heartbreaking episodes.
The Walking Dead – The Grove
Below is a behind-the-scenes video showing the “making of” “The Grove” and some amazing SFX walkers, comments from the cast & crew, and other tidbits of how this episode was made.
One fantastic thing in this episode is the chard walkers. These walkers are ones that had been drawn to the cabin fire set by Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Beth (Emily Kinney) in episode 12, “Still.” These walkers burned in the fire and then went to the railroad tracks and the grove, where Carol and the others found a house to stay in. Greg Nicotero and his crew did a bang-up job with these walkers. It is a fascinating process to behold.

The next video dives deeper into the making of the episode and the character’s mindset in this part of the story. It is a fantastic episode that takes a terrible twist which makes Carol make one of the hardest choices of her life.

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