The Walking Dead spinoffs set release date for UK DVDs

Where to purchase all of The Walking Dead Universe shows on DVD and Blu-Ray in the UK.
BTS, Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live _ Season 1, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
BTS, Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live _ Season 1, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

It feels like an eternity for the spin-offs in The Walking Dead franchise to finally hit the UK; we can now access them on the Sky Max and Now TV streaming services. All upcoming spin-off series will be added to the platform soon after they air in the US. How exciting! Additionally, we have updates on the availability of physical copies of TWDU in the UK.

As a fan, owning anything to do with a franchise you love and invest time into is a great joy. And this is no exception when it comes to physical media. Although it is fantastic to have all of the TWDU at our viewing pleasure with the touch of a button, sometimes you just can't beat the old formats.

And there is news for TWD fans in the UK. We can now add more TWDU physical media goodness to our collections, with more on the way. Here is everything you need to know about all of the upcoming releases.

The Walking Dead Universe UK DVD Release Dates

For fans wanting to return to the mothership show, the complete collection of the TWD featuring seasons 1-11 is available in the UK on Blu-Ray and DVD from HMV, Zavvi and Amazon UK. This box set also features some incredible stills of some fan-favorite characters. While this particular set has been out since last year, it is never too late to buy and binge!

Fear The Walking Dead is on Blu-Ray and DVD but not as a complete box set ranging from seasons 1-8. This could change in the future. But for now, if you want to own the entire series, all seasons can be purchased separately from HMV and Amazon UK.

Christine Evangelista as Sherry, Austin Amelio as Dwight - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 12 - Photo Credit: Seth F. Johnson/AMC

For fans of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, similarly to FTWD, both seasons can be purchased separately on DVD and Blu-Ray formats. The two seasons of this limited run series can be bought from Amazon UK and HMV. TWD: World Beyond is also still available to stream on Amazon Prime.

Although not on any UK streaming service, anthology spin-off Tales of The Walking Dead can be bought from Amazon UK. It is important to note that this is an import from Amazon US and is Region 1, meaning it will not play on most UK Region 2 players and maybe subject to import tax. There are no current plans for a Region 2 version, but that doesn't mean it won't come to fruition at some point or stream on Sky and Now TV.

The newest spin-off series to hit UK shelves is Rick and Michonne's spin-off TWD: The Ones Who Live, released on August 19. The DVD and Blu-Ray copies contain two discs in the set where fans can relive the dramatic events of the next chapter for these two iconic characters. HMV and Amazon UK stock this season.

The Walking Dead: Dead City
Lauren Cohan as Maggie Rhee, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan - The Walking Dead: Dead City _ Season 1, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Peter Kramer/AMC

Coming up on December 31 as a late-year treat are DVD and Blu-Ray copies of TWD: Dead City. This thrilling Maggie and Negan spin-off is followed by the release of season 1 of Daryl Dixon. Daryl Dixon is due for a January 1, 2025 release date. Both these seasons contain two discs with all six episodes each and can also at Zavvi and HMV.

dark. Next. Exclusive: Andrew Lincoln interview. Exclusive: Andrew Lincoln talks 'The Ones Who Live' UK release in this exclusive interview

It's such an exciting time for TWD fans in the UK to feel the nostalgia of owning copies of this franchise again, and I cannot wait to see what is ahead for the future of The Walking Dead Universe. Let's go!