The first spinoff of AMC's The Walking Dead premiered in 2015. Titled Fear the Walking Dead, the series began with an exceptional pilot that featured events at the onset of the outbreak. Set in the same world as the main series, this story began in Los Angeles and, throughout its eight-season run, traveled to many other locations, where it concluded its story in Georgia. In season 5, a character named Virginia was introduced. Who played this character?
Virginia was the cunning and ruthless leader of a group known as the Pioneers. In order to get what she wanted, she had no issues resorting to murder or other extreme tactics. She hired a bounty hunter to kill Morgan (Lennie James) and when Logan (Matt Frewer) and his crew exhausted their usefulness, she had them killed.
Portrayed by Colby Minifie, Virginia always maintained that everything she did was for survival and to keep her group safe. This included hiding the fact that her sister Dakota (Zoe Colletti), who would later be revealed to be Virginia's daughter, killed Cameron (Noah Khyle). Virginia knew she would lose the loyalty of the Pioneers if they knew it was her family member who killed him.
In the end, Virginia is killed by a grief-stricken June Dorie (Jenna Elfman), who holds her accountable for Dakota's action in killing John (Garret Dillahunt), June's husband. It was a poetic death as June used the same gun on Virginia that Dakota used on John.
What else does Colby Minifie star in?
While Colby Minifie is well known in The Walking Dead universe for her role as Virginia she is probably best known as fan favorite Ashley Barrett in the Prime Video original series, The Boys. Ashley's story took a significant turn in the season 4 finale of The Boys. I won't spoil it, but if you are curious, you can read about it here. The events of season 4 will dramatically impact Minifie's role in the fifth and final season. She also appeared in two episodes of The Boys spinoff Gen V and voiced Ashely in the animated The Boys Presents: Diabolical.
In addition to appearing in notable titles as Madam Secretary, The Blacklist, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Nurse Jackie and more, Minifie portrayed Robyn in several episodes of the first season of the Netflix original, Jessica Jones. She portrayed Ginger, a friend and co-worker of Midge's (Rachel Brosnahan), in Prime Video's The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.